International Christian English Camp

Are you a young person who would like to spend some creative and fun time in summer? How is your English? Do you feel you could boost it up a bit? How about a camp in summer, where you spend 7 days with people from different countries and speak real-life English?

To Be Happy C. I. C. is starting its first International Christian English Camp in the second half of August 2024 in South-East Poland. The camp will last 7 days – 19-26.08.2024.

We welcome anyone aged 15-20 from Poland, Ukraine and wherever you live. Our teachers come from England, Ireland and Poland – all of them speak English on a daily basis. We teach in the best way: natural, intuitive, active and fun.

Regular school makes the teacher active and student passive. That is unnatural and ineffective, good for the system, but bad for the student. We make it all differently: our students are active and we’re there to help and encourage. We encourage you to take initiative. Try as much as you like and make as many mistakes as you want. And be happy about it.

We’ve tested it countless times. It works.

So, ready for the camp? Registration is ongoing: